
  • 期刊列表
  • 新西兰与太平洋研究杂志

    时间:2021-01-12 09:06:32 来源:管理员


    Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies

    The Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies covers disciplines including the humanities and social sciences, and subjects such as cultural studies, history, literature, film, anthropology, politics and sociology. Each issue of this publication aims to establish a balance between papers on New Zealand and papers on the South Pacific, with a reports and book reviews section included.


    The journal is sponsored by the New Zealand Studies Association and hosted by the University of Vienna. It has replaced the key publication NZSA Bulletin of New Zealand Studies.




    2.Connecting with innerlandscapes: Taonga pūoro, musical improvisation and exploring acoustic Aotearoa/New Zealand

    3.Blog wars in Fiji: Soft power in a South Pacific dictatorship

    4.Responding to paternalistic protection: Gender-smart safety for women working in remote locations in Papua New Guinea

    5.If this land could speak: Human ecology and the work of Nic Moon
